
The supervisory institution should operate in the farm market.

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According to statistics, the volume of the pharmaceutical market in our country has reached 2 billion dollars. However, while the share of local products in this market is 40-45% in physical volume, it does not exceed 20% in monetary value. To be more precise, the local pharmaceutical industry has not progressed beyond the production of bandages, alcohol, syringes, analgin, and citramon. More than 80% of the $1.6 billion worth of medicines consumed annually in our country is covered by imports.

As of January this year, the state register of medicines, medical products, and medical equipment authorized for use in medical practice includes tens of thousands of pharmaceutical products manufactured by 1,451 companies from 76 countries, in addition to local capacities. However, taking strict measures against the hidden circulation of medicines is becoming increasingly urgent.

The main problem is clearly seen in the low culture of our people’s use of medicines. For example, there is no control over the use of various antibiotics, which are controversial in global medical practice (according to WHO, 700,000 people worldwide die each year due to the misuse of antibiotics), and the occurrence of writing prescriptions in favor of pharmaceutical companies to “make money” without following the established protocols in family clinics and hospitals. This issue was addressed at a meeting on February 4 this year chaired by the President, dedicated to priority tasks in the social sphere, where it was severely criticized that such negligence is damaging both the health and the wallets of our people.

Furthermore, the fact that the prices of the same drug vary in different pharmacies, the practice of providing the population with 120 types of medicines and medical products in primary healthcare institutions not working uniformly everywhere, and the practice of some “quick” entrepreneurs selling high-demand pills, syrups, drops, or injection agents at high prices during periods of seasonal diseases, creating difficult situations for the needy population, is not something that can be hidden.

More painfully, the insufficient formation of a control institution in the pharmaceutical sector, the lack of significant initiatives from the general public and industry specialists to study the problems in the pharmaceutical market and propose substantiated solutions, not only leads to the unjustified increase in the prices of pharmaceutical products but also creates conditions for the circulation of counterfeit and contraband medicines. We can see the consequences of the lack of transparency in the processes of registering and certifying the sale of medicines in the infamous “DOC-1 MAX” case (65 children in our country died due to this drug produced by Marion Biotech from India).

You may recall that on the 23rd of last month, the President reviewed the presentation of prospective plans related to the pharmaceutical sector, emphasizing the regulation of this sector, which plays an important role in the economy and public health. As noted, in 2024-2025, based on the “road map” for the development of the pharmaceutical sector and the acceleration of investment projects, the production of $400 million worth of products and the export reaching $200 million is planned for this year. 147 projects worth $2 billion will be launched, 28 of which are scheduled to start in 2024. Localization of 450 types of pharmaceutical products is planned. The digitization in the sector will reach 65% this year and will be fully completed next year to transition production to international standards and ensure price and quality alignment. It was noted that through this, it is possible to reduce the prices of pharmaceutical products by at least 20%. Instructions were also given on training qualified specialists for the sector.

Specialists note that while the large number of pharmacies in our country (an average of 1 pharmacy per 2,000 inhabitants) brings economic benefits, it is more harmful socially. Because with pharmacies at every corner, it becomes impossible to completely stop the sale of medicines without prescriptions. Hence, no matter how many good changes and promising plans are implemented in the sector, a control institution is needed more than ever to achieve pharmaceutical development and genuinely improve the provision of quality, safe, guaranteed, and affordable medicines and medical products for the population.

For the control institution to function, naturally, the political parties trusted by the people must be proactive.