When it comes to getting a job in the civil service, professional qualifications aren’t always the main criteria. Sometimes, less important factors can tip the scales. Favoritism, localism, corruption, and nepotism have often hindered the development of the civil service. To transform the civil service into a system that truly satisfies the people and to improve efficiency and quality in governance, the Law “On State Civil Service” was adopted in 2022.
At the next meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis on June 11, the draft law “On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Implement the Provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan” was considered. This draft law aims to prohibit the unlawful refusal to hire citizens and to create additional guarantees in labor relations to reliably protect labor rights.
As noted, constitutional principles that provide for completely new mechanisms to protect human rights and freedoms are being consistently implemented. In particular, Article 28 of our Basic Law states: “The conviction of a person and the legal consequences arising from it cannot serve as a basis for restricting the rights of their relatives.”
However, we cannot say that situations where citizens are unable to get a job due to a conviction or a completed conviction of a close relative have been completely eradicated. The practice of refusing to hire a candidate for the civil service on these grounds still exists.
The above-mentioned draft law aims to put an end to such situations, ensure the effective implementation of constitutional norms in real life, prohibit the unlawful refusal to hire citizens, and create additional guarantees in labor relations.
Specifically, Article 10 of the Law “On State Civil Service” is being supplemented with the following phrases: “The conviction of a relative and the legal consequences arising from it cannot serve as a basis for restricting the rights of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan to be accepted into the state civil service and to perform it.”
Ahmad Qurbonov, Correspondent of “Uzbekistan Voice”.