
Japan – the fifth country to conquer the Moon

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Japan’s SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating Moon) spacecraft has successfully landed on the Moon’s surface, according to Meduza.

However, engineers are currently concerned about the spacecraft’s battery power, as its solar panels are not generating electricity. If the batteries deplete, communication with SLIM may be lost.

Hitoshi Kuninaka, Vice President of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, noted that the rocket’s soft landing on the Moon was a significant achievement:
“If the landing had been unsuccessful, the spacecraft would have crashed at very high speed, and its functions would have been completely lost. However, it is still sending us data regularly. This means we have achieved our goal of a successful landing,” he said.

For reference, SLIM’s successful landing on the Moon makes Japan the fifth country to reach the Moon, following the United States, the Soviet Union, China, and India.